It’s All But Confirmed Now: Recent Google Update Fixes Major Android Auto Issue

As so many Android Auto users found out the hard way, one of the biggest issues with Google’s app lately affected voice commands, pretty much making it impossible to start calls, configure a new destination in the navigation app, or respond to a text without touch input.

Google itself rolled out updates to correct this problem, but for some reason, the bug returned after another update, so right now, using voice commands with Android Auto appears to be just a matter of luck: while it works for some, it doesn’t for others, and Google says it’s still investigating.

Not a long time ago, we discovered that Google was testing a fix for this problem in the beta version of the Google app – this is the one that’s powering Google Assistant, which in its turn enables voice commands in Android Auto.

But as it turns out, the fix has been included in the stable version of the Google app as well, as we’re seeing more confirmations from users claiming that voice commands are working correctly now in Android Auto.

And now, here comes the hard part when we must figure out what version actually ships with the fix given that Google doesn’t typically release changelogs for its app updates.

The beta build that included the fix was published either on May 28 or on May 29, so it was one of the versions released between 11.11.7 and 11.9.21.

As for the stable channel, the most recent versions are 11.13.5 and 11.14.5, so there’s a good chance that one of these two resolve the voice commands bug in Android Auto for all these users.

As we said before, LG phone owners appear to be particularly targeted by these updates, but on the other hand, it’s believed the fix could also improve the experience when other brands, like Samsung, are being used to power Android Auto in the car.


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